Yet another successful run through Northern Baja with Expedition X Offroad.
With a collection of some old favorite trails and some new sections everyone will experience new scenery.
EXO brings together some great people and new friends with their collective organization, support and almost all-inclusive Baja events. While everyone is focused on controlled driving and admiring the scenery at varying speeds, Expedition X Offroad captures the moments through various media.
We managed to raise donations to get a van for special needs kids in San Quintin to help them reach treatment centers where they often had lay in pickup beds during rain season to wait. While we had dinner with the kids and their families at the Old Mill’s Ecalypto restaurant more donations rolled in. Someone covered new tires and brakes for the van, some more cash, then an anonymous donation of $5000 was presented.
We visited the Vicente Guerrero orphanage giving back to the community that allows us to enjoy their hospitality. @expeditionxoffroad put together such an enlightening fund raiser. Bringing toys, books, clothes and giving rides to all the kids.
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